This project has a hardware component and a software component.
- hardware: an Hitachi 63C09 based single board computer, aka the Z79Forth Reference Board.
- software: a 79-STANDARD sub-set implementation mostly coded in assembly language. Some primitives from FORTH-83 and ANS94 are also provided. However, it should be noted that ANS94 predicates return 1 for true, as opposed to -1 for all compliant ANS94 predicates.
Additionally, some sample application programs and benchmarks are provided. Please note that the GPL version 3 only applies to the assembly code. The schematics and the Forth source code are released in the public domain.
The 6309 Book has been included in this distribution with the express assent of its author, Chris Burke--may he be hereby thanked one more time for a great piece of work, without which none of this would have been possible!
Known shortcomings of the current repository are as follows:
- unfinished editor (see
). Some extra work still is needed on the delete primitives.
Please note that it is not recommended to clone master directly, as the software may not match the schematics. The recommended approach is to clone a release.
It all started by the end of 2019 as an effort aiming at resurrecting my digital electronics development skills. Z79Forth is a tribute to the golden days of eight bit computing. The Motorola MC6809 processor always had an excellent reputation for being Forth friendly, being endowed with two stack pointers and two index registers. I always wanted to program a serious application for it but never had the chance. Hardware and software development proceeded in parallel.
Z79Forth is a journey into retro-computing that takes advantage of modern technology where appropriate (CMOS, USB and CompactFlash). Wire wrapping is particularly adapted to digital hardware experimentation and provides the developer with a great deal of flexibility.
The original MC6809 processor is hard to procure these days. It came under two very distints variants: one requiring an external crystal (on chip oscillator) and the E suffixed version, meant to be used with an external oscillator. For integration's sake I selected the E flavor.
In addition to being tricky to buy, the MC6809 was also limited to a 2 MHz bus clock. In contrast, Hitachi's own implementation of the 6809 architecture supports bus clock frequencies of up to 3 MHz officially and 5 MHz in practice. The Z79Forth reference board uses the HD63C09E clocked at 4 MHz. The choice of that particular frequency was meant to allow some bus cycles to be stretched down easily to 1 MHz, so as to be able to possibly accomodate extensions using components of the MC6800 product line. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the HD6309 offers reduced power consumption and an extended instruction set which is heavily used by the Z79Forth software.
The 6309 is a CMOS device but I wanted to be able to support TTL inputs. So, most of the logic circuits are from the 74HCT family. The only notable exception is with the Schmitt inverting triggers implemented in 74HC technology.
I followed an incremental modular sub-system centric approach when designing the platform.
power: was initially provided via an external laboratory power supply. Later on, I decided to supply it over a USB FTDI module that also supports asynchronous serial communication with the host. A simple phone charger can also be used when the selected console is over RS-232.
clock: there are two clock domains on the board: one for serial communication and one for the processor itself. Each clock domain is generated by the output of a dedicated crystal controlled oscillator (XCO). The asynchronous communication interface adapter (ACIA) transmit and receive clock inputs are driven by a 1.8432 MHz XCO, optionally divided by a factor of three. This provides support for either 115200 or 38400 bps communication. The CPU clock inputs are to be supplied in quadrature at 4 MHz. This is accomplished by dividing the output of a 16 MHz XCO via a dual JK flip-flop. Care has been taken to provide potential support for streching down the bus clock down to 1 MHz for 6800 peripherals.
address bus decoding: a very early and rather central design decision was to select a workable memory map. The Z80 software required about 5 KB of memory and was RAM resident. I figured an 8 KB EEPROM ought to be enough to accomodate the 6809 implementation of Z79Forth, which led me to divide the addres space of the processor into eight 8 KB regions. Interrupt vectors have to be readable from a 16 byte segment starting at $FFF0, so the last region ($E000-$FFFF) needed to be assigned to the EEPROM. Region 6 ($C000-$DFFF) is where memory mapped I/O operations take place. Regions 0-3 ($0000-$7FFF) is populated by a 32 KB static RAM. Region 4 ($8000-$BFFF) remains available for off board extensions.
The I/O space is further divided into eight 1 KB areas, allowing for up to eight devices to be used in the system. Of those, dev. 0 is reserved for the CompactFlash module; dev. 6 is assigned to serial communication. An unsupported RTC experiment based on the MC146818 chip uses dev. 5.
EEPROM: a modern production grade Microchip AT28C64B 8 KB was selected (150 ns access time).
ACIA: an HD63B50 IC was selected for its availibility and its improved flexibility over the MC6850. In particular its E input pin can be driven by a strobe signal and does not need to be a clocked signal. Recent (2.2.x) versions of the schematics include a jumper based multiplexer that supports asynchronous serial communication either to a USB host or to an RS232 DTE.
RAM: I originally used a NEC D43256AC (32K by 8 bits) with a 100 ns access time. This proved to be a difficult component to acquire. I later selected the Fujitsu F84256-10LL simply because I could buy it on a weight basis! Any static 32 KB by 8 bits SRAM with an access time of 100 ns or less would do just as well.
CompactFlash: CF is a fantastic technology that was not available in my Z80 days. It is quite easy to interface to an 8 bit data bus processor operating at 4 MHz. The medium itself includes an Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) controller which is where all the intelligence resides. The original Z79Forth Reference Board did not have any support for mass storage as it was also missing from the Z80 incarnation. This shortcoming was ultimately fixed with release 2.x of the schematics.
Interrupt Support: Again here, there is some historical background worth mentioning. The original board design (schematics 1.x) resorted to a stricly polling mechanism with respect to serial communication. Later on, after having experienced cut and paste difficulties, I felt that serial communication (input) ought to be interrupt driven. As a result, the current release trains (tags 2.x and 3.x) now program the ACIA so that it will assert <FIRQ#> when its receive data register is full.
At a later stage, I recognized the fact that being able to dump the CPU registers on a manually triggered <NMI#> might be valuable. This is only needed in extremely dire situations and does not produce any symbolic information.
In 1984, I wrote a native Forth implementation for the TRS-80 model I
(Zilog Z80 based). That software was inspired by my understanding of the
79-STANDARD document, despite the fact that I did not have access to the
specification when I coded it. It survived in form of a printout that was
preciously stored in a trunk in my basement for some 35 years. Back in my Z80
days, mass storage was implemented via a cassette recorder, which meant that my
historic printout was very poorly commented. So the first order of business was
to properly document the Z80 implementation. Then came the porting effort
(starting with machine dependency handling), bug fixes, features addition
pictured numeric output), 79-STANDARD compliance fixes, the
performance campaign and the required documentation production.
Unlike FORTH-83, 79-STANDARD does not specify the modulo operation in any particular way. Compatibility concerns led me to move from the processor native symmetric division to the more contemporary floored division.
At some point, I realized that most people coding in Forth nowadays resort to the ANS94 specification. So I included ANS code porting guidelines and ANS specific primitives. Later on in 2022 I went further by making the code ANS94 compliant.
The resulting project delivery reflects this. The master branch has the 79-STANDARD implementation and the REL-ANS94 has the ANS flavor.
A kit is being put together. The estimated market size is about 50 units. A PCB is being designed but this is a slow process and financial constraints also set an upper limit on how fast things can progress.
So, your best bet is to acquire all the parts yourself and wire wrap the system
as I did. A double Europe protyping card will be more than adequate. The bill
of material (see HW/BOM.txt
) is believed to be accurate. Good luck!
REL-ANS94 +-- HW Hardware description files | +-- BOM.txt Bill of material | +-- circuit-20211015-1355.clkstretch.txt Clock stretcher simulation data | +-- J1-top-view.txt Pinout for the extension connector | +-- kicad | | +-- <Kicad 5 Eeschema files> | +-- README-clkstretch.txt How to use the clock stretcher sim. | +-- README.txt Proj. description from Elektor Labs | +-- Z79Forth-iteration2.2.2.pdf Full PDF schematics | +-- Z79Forth-ww-botview.svg Prototype sample layout | +-- Z79Forth-ww-topview.svg Prototype sample layout +-- KIMG0091.jpg +-- LICENSE The GPL version 3 +-- This file +-- SW Software implementation |-- benchmarks | |-- <Various benchmarks submitted to the VCFE in 2020> | +-- vcfe2020.txt Benchmark results +-- doc | |-- 79-STANDARD-docreq.txt 79-STANDARD mandatory document | |-- 79-STANDARD-errcond.txt Z79Forth error conditions | |-- 79-STANDARD-subset.txt Implementation status recap. | |-- COMPILING.txt Must read before re-assembling! | |-- ImplSpecMaterial.txt Implementation specific doc. | |-- LWVI-UserManual.txt Documentation for the editor | +-- PORTING-ANSI-code.txt Porting guidelines +-- examples | |-- <Collection of example programs> | +-- README.txt An overview of the examples +-- reference Reference material | |-- FORTH-79.TXT The 79-STANDARD specification | |-- FORTH-83.PRN The FORTH-83 specification | |-- HD6309EP-TechRef.txt Things to know about caching | |-- HD63C09E.pdf CPU official datasheet from Hitachi | +-- The_6309_Book.pdf Chris Burke's invaluable book +-- src Z79Forth source code | |-- console.asm Serial console handling | |-- constants.asm Check this file for system tunables | |-- forth.asm Core Z79Forth implementation | |-- forth.hex EEPROM Intel HEX image file | |-- forth.lst An assembly listing | |-- Makefile Software build driver | |-- rtc.asm Not supported: MC146818 RTC | |-- storage.asm CompactFlash storage handling | +-- vlist.txt A list of supported words +-- testsuite | |-- <A non-regression test suite (based on Forth2012)> | +-- README.txt +-- util |-- Pointers to block numbers for apps |-- cfirq221017.img CompactFlash image (64 MB) |-- Makefile Generates txt2blk (host utility) +-- txt2blk.c txt2blk utility source code
Bug reports should be submitted as Github issues.
Discussions have been enabled for the Z79Forth repository. Should you decide to begin one, please specify whether your interest is with 79-STANDARD or ANS94, if that information is relevant.
My email address also is available from Github.
The core of the system is pretty much frozen since only five bytes of EEPROM are currently available. Changes in that department are likely to require moving primitives to CompactFlash storage anyway.
The most welcome contributions would be in the SW/examples
These should include some basic example documentation in a form suitable to
be added to the examples documentation.